Game Developers: Now is the Time to Reexamine Your Revenue Models

With the App-ocalypse still fresh in our memories, we’re all feeling a little worn out from the mad scramble. But changes keep coming at us at a rapid rate in 2023. We hate to be the bearer of bad news. However, if advertising is still your primary revenue model as a game developer, now is […]
How to Increase the Lifetime Value (LTV) of Your Game Users

What if you could increase the lifetime value of your game users without having to reinvent your games completely? Would it help you boost your revenue? Reduce acquisition costs? Reinvest into improvements for your products?…. YES! This may sound too good to be true, but the future of gaming monetization is here, in the form […]
Looking to Monetize Your Game? Intrusive Advertising isn’t Working Anymore

While there are a few different ways to monetize games, advertising is one of the most popular methods, particularly for free-to-play mobile games. The more eyeballs you can get on your game and the more clicks you can encourage, the more money you can make as a developer. Only… that dynamic is shifting fast. While […]